Frequently Asked Questions

It is time the district invested in the necessary maintenance, renovations, upgrades and initiatives to keep our buildings and systems operational for years to come. Our aged facilities are in need of attention, and we have spent the bulk of our budget on staffing over the last several years. We believe this was the right thing to do, to invest in our staff, but we must shift focus to the overall needs of the district. Additionally, we can take advantage of old debt being paid off to help offset some of the tax increase.

No. The bond may only be used to address capital costs such as deferred maintenance, building replacements, and employee housing. However, 84% or more of the district’s budget over the last six years has gone to teacher and staff salaries.

Yes, the bond measure would be audited quarterly by a citizen oversight committee.

While the district went out to voters in 2020, it did not increase taxes. The district last asked for a tax increase in the early 2000s.

The Committee met monthly to study costs and analyze options, hearing from staff, experts in the field, and community members to make informed recommendations. The results of this work were polled through a community survey and are now being presented through this website for added input which the Board will take into consideration before making a final decision