On August 27, the district referred a $150 million bond measure to the November ballot. This would increase taxes around $14 per month for a home valued at $500,000. This bond would pay for investments in facilities and maintenance to enhance learning outcomes. Here is a list of targeted investments identified as priorities by the Long-Range Planning Committee and a community survey.


Deferred Building Maintenance
Updates needed for nearly all buildings including electrical, mechanical, roofing, plumbing, and safety fixes.
Eliminate Leased Facilities
Consolidate building space and invest in the long term including converting Florida Mesa Elementary Campus to accommodate operational departments currently leasing space.
Build Three Springs Elementary School
To better serve an area of high growth. This would replace the aging Florida Mesa Elementary campus.
Housing Options for Staff
A solution to address the drastic increase of housing costs to help recruit and retain quality teachers.
Replace Aging Furniture
Replace classroom equipment and
furniture that is over 20 years old to improve the learning environment.
Renovate Escalante Middle School
Renovations would help ensure an equitable experience across our middle schools.
Sustainability Improvements
A project that will include water
waste reduction to cut costs.
Building SOIL Inspire Lab
Support career connected learning and a place for students to explore and learn outdoors.


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